The most powerful iCloud Bypass ever.
Compatibility: iPhone 5s – X, iPod touch 6/7, Ipad Air/ Air 2, Mini 2/3/4, Ipad 5/6/7, Ipad pro 1/2
Supported iOS: 12.3 – 13.2.2 and beyond ++
- Checkra1n iCloud Bypass How to fix iTunes | iMessenger | Facetime | Appstore
- Checkra1n Jailbreak iCloud bypass for Windows User
- Checkra1n 1 click iCloud bypass without Macbook | Ra1nStorm easy install MacOS in xUbuntu
- Bypass iCloud iOS 13.3.1 with Auto Tool Downgrade to IOS 13.2.3
- One click Bypass iCloud without Downgrade fix hangon logo, fix iTunes
The amazing work of @qwertyoruiopz @axi0mX and @checkra1n team make possible jailbreak iOS 13 install Cydia tool have SSH permission on DFU devices and more recently bypass icloud. This does not intend to support or help people with no legitim devices this tutorial is for people who to want to research and learn more about iOS and iphone security.
First, this is working only on MAC , you will need download file :
Copy Paste this command into terminal window:
./ -t 44:2222
Copy Paste this command into the second terminal window:
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
Pass login is: alpine
After you see “-bash-3.2#”, Copy paste these command
mount -o rw,union,update /
echo “” >> /.mount_rw
mv /Applications/ /Applications/
uicache –all
killall backboardd
Icloud bypass limitations?
- No carrier
- Not possible add new icloud id
- No Sim Card connection
- Not possible Making phone calls
- Receive SMS No
- No Use 4G/3G internet
- No Facetime fixed
- No iMessage fixed
- No iTunes fixed
- No Sync apple watch fixed
NOTE: We do not encourage you in doing this icloud bypass, if you find an apple device, bought one with icloud lock or you forgot your icloud id you should consider contacting the owner or apple support to help you.
./ -t 44:2222
@Software Master sir samsung main mobile network ka masla a rha ha kabhi 4G Ata ha or kabhi kafi dar kuch bhi ni likha ata is kisam ka software k issue ko solve kery
Kiya Likha Ataa Hai
iPad Air2 (wifi) not supported… 🙁
Yes Supported
I am ok active my phone 6 but problem is I can’t call is file call why
iPad 2 iOS 9.3.5 2.2 not supported T^T
worked on ipad 5 gen (wifi)
Doing vm_map_protect
Spinning here
After that no response .. what t o do .. my iphone 5s is disabled ..
Bro are you sure its working because i’ll try so many softwares..
Or i have so many phone stuck this! If you reply me or talk to me so we do some solution.
Icloud bypass limitations?
No carrier
Not possible add new icloud id
No Sim Card connection
Not possible Making phone calls
Receive SMS No
No Use 4G/3G internet
No Facetime fixed
No iMessage fixed
No iTunes fixed
No Sync apple watch fixed
I am ok active my phone 6 but problem is I can’t call is file call why
My apple I’d is lock and phone lock
Iphone 6s ios 13.3 this method not working bro. All commands writing but iphone stay in first screen home button not opening after commands how fix
Ipad air ( wifi ) ipad air 2 ( wifi ) supported Thx 🙂
Your device will charge now correctly?
Not working for me using ios 13.3 jailbrack succeed but after putting the commands stucks on welcome screen tried with iphone 7 plus and iphone 8 if u have a solution tell me thx
steel need to fixe baypass for 13.3.
even with 0.97 after baypass the idevise come back to iniciale menu.
downgrade not possible.
anyway do amazing work, thanks for keeping us in knowledge
iphone SE not work ios 13.2.1
when will frp bypass file for ios 13.3 will come , please let us know as soon as possible
Now can’t bypass ios 13.3
hi. can some please help me with last part ?? i have fallowed all steps but the last part when i click on bypass it just close so quick and it just close. when i try again it say { checkm8 closed unexpectedly ) .. . basically it doesn’t by pass. however i have downloaded the latest version. what i am doing wrong ??
same issue for me also anybody here to tell the issue ,what step to do to fix?
and if anybody want permanent iCloud unlock don’t hesitate contact me (only clean ,after unlock u can use same like new, friends its paid option)
I hope Fix Notification of messenger, facebook,
Thank team very much, love team. Hope you succces. <3
I am ok active my phone 6 but problem is I can’t call is failed call why
Why so demanding!
as per my knowledge there are certain limitations of bypass and one of them is NO SERVICE
iPad Pro 9.7(wifi) not working on 13.4. 🙁
you can add new icloud there is working method worked with me tested it in ipad 7
hi i cant sign into facetime and imessenger
no bro
please dear iphone xr ka b salutation dydo icloud bypass
only suport 5s to X
Bless the owner of this website.
why not work in iphone 5c global 10.3.3??
iPhone SE 2 (iOS 12.4.1) supported?
see video one click bypass ios 13.3 to 13.5
Will it work on iphone 5s , on a windows machine
100% Working with IOS 13.5
I have nothing to say ? I spent 7000 rs within a year but no result?it was apple I’d disable ?after SO many days I visit this page and rest is history,GOD BLESS YOU?
I am fully unlocked now, thank you very very much
Sir mene iphone4 ios 7.1.2 bypass karna hy magar jab SHH.jar se expoit send hojata hy to dfu se nikal kar mobile on hojata hy our screen start pe ajata hy
Nao consigo fazer bypass num Iphone 7 Plus e preciso de help,
hello, anybody can help me, I followed all procedure and icloud bypassed by stuck on hello
hello. I need your assistance, I bypassed by iphone 6, 12.4 version, but stuck on hello, how to fix this after bypass??
after bypass how to fix after reboot bootloop
how to down lod
Tolong saya hp saya lupa kata sandi
ios 12.5.2?
Please what about the storage who is reducing at a great rate because of others in the storage. A great problem